Often the best money savings tips aren’t the ones you read in personal finance columns, but the insights discovered by real people. That’s why we recently ran a competition asking Sydney FC fans to share their top tips.
We were inundated with entries which drew inspiration from many aspects of life, from budgeting & goal setting to lifestyle & Sydney FC game day.
Here are our top 14 money saving tips from Sydney FC fans, including our competition winner:
Budgeting and goal setting
Savings strategy is like SydneyFC; You need a well balanced team, Attack those expenses, Defend all your savings, And have a smart coach like Arnie!
Any pocket money i make i split it three ways. 1/3 for spending, 1/3 for saving and 1/3 for my favourite charity.
To always have an ultimate goal in which you want to spend your money. For example, I’m saving for a house.
It has to be automatic. Set up a direct debit into a savings account or ask your employer to salary sacrifice into your superannuation fund.
Use a savings goal tracker app & excel spreadsheets for a budget to see where your money goes & how much you can really save!
Sydney FC game day
Buy a Sydney FC Membership as part of your yearly entertainment budget! All of a sudden you and your family are busy every other weekend.
Save money going to the game. Public transport is free with your ticket, take your own food. That’ll save a family $50 at least
At football cook hotdogs in hot flask of water take rolls & sauce & fork to remove hotdogs don’t miss any of the game
Swear jar … Good little fund my family accumulates over the year and we use that saved money for an end of year holiday
Get the kids to move out as quick as possible.
Turn off lights, power points & electronics when not in use. It’s amazing how much you can save.
Pack lunch from home if you are going to school or work!
Only buy what you need. Don’t spend what you don’t have. Don’t use a credit card.
Grow your own veggies, swap, borrow and recycle items wherever you can instead of always buying new.
As well as following these tips from Sydney FC fans, you can also save money by reducing the fees you pay for financial products, by knowing some tips and tricks for your next holiday and by using budgeting apps to help you manage your spending. Thanks to everyone so submitted an entry.
Go SydneyFC!
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