Client stories

Client story: Angus McLeod

Angus McLeod is a former professional money manager. He shares why he chooses Stockspot to help manage his portfolio and why he thinks Stockspot has an edge over the traditional investment houses.

Meet Angus McLeod

Hi there. My name is Angus McLeod. I’m married and am living in Melbourne. 

Previously, I was a professional money manager. I had worked for many years in the equity markets managing indexed portfolios of domestic and global shares. 

These days I’m teaching finance at a university. 

Why I’ve decided to trust Stockspot with my investment portfolio

I came across Stockspot soon after its launch [in 2014] and was quickly attracted to its investing style, its low fees and the use of its technology platform to give easy access to investment markets. 

As the larger, traditional investment houses had yet to embrace the technology that was becoming available (mobile-based apps, for example) Stockspot was the natural choice.

I’m not a stock picker and I understand the benefits of well-diversified investment portfolios with a long-term horizon. I don’t want to have to worry about continually watching markets and prices; I prefer to know that I have structured a robust portfolio that will be able to largely look after itself.

“There’s not a thing I don’t like about Stockspot; the entire process is simple, easy to use, and – most importantly – understandable to anyone.

The Stockspot sign up process was quick and easy

I was surprised by the Stockspot sign up process. It was so quick and easy. 

I’d never seen the automated identity verification that had become available. At that time I was accustomed to the manual verification process of certified copies of documents.

What I like about Stockspot

There’s not a thing I don’t like about Stockspot; the entire process is simple, easy to use, and – most importantly – understandable to anyone. 

Stockspot brings peace of mind because it doesn’t use complex investment terminology when communicating to clients.

I can’t say enough about how easy and straightforward the process has been. From making a new investment to annual reporting, as well as the immediate portfolio view we can get using the app, the Stockspot experience is unparalleled.

The Stockspot Fat Cat Funds Report is critical reading for shining a light on the superannuation industry. At its heart it exposes the excesses in super and just how much fees affect the performance of an account.

The super industry needs more transparency and Stockspot does a good job in making this happen.

My investing experience with Stockspot

Our long-term goals are for a comfortable retirement. This is still a few years in the future. Stockspot’s Topaz portfolio has given us outstanding returns and we’re well on the way to achieving our goal at a low cost.

My advice about investing

I’d advise someone considering investing to initially determine their investment goals and then take a look at the best blend of investments to achieve them. 

Not all investors are the same. Stockspot’s automated risk profiling and portfolio suggestions are a good place to start to understand how best to make investment goals a reality. 

My other advice is to choose a realistic investment goal and remember to stick to your plan. Markets go down as well as up and it’s precisely because of this that you’ve chosen to invest. 

You can be disappointed if markets fall but you shouldn’t be surprised. The investment markets will recover from a downturn. Stay focused on your objective.

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