Author: Chris Brycki

Chris has over 25 years of investment experience and spent most of his early career as a Portfolio Manager at UBS. Chris has been a member of the ASIC Digital Advisory Committee and volunteered as a member of the Investment Committee for the NSW Cancer Council. He holds a Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting/Finance Co-op Scholarship) from UNSW.


Common ways to gift assets

This article looks at how asset gifting – where parents or grandparents pass on their assets to their children or grandchildren – works in Australia.


HINs vs Custodians: What’s the difference?

When you’re investing, it’s not just the what but also the how that counts. This article looks at the different ways you can own your investments.

Investing, Life

Investing for your kids or grandkids

Planning for your children’s or grandchildren’s financial future may seem complex, but it doesn’t have to be. This article will guide you through 5 key investment strategies.


ETFs for beginners

Getting started with ETFs may appear intimidating, especially when you’re new to investing. Here’s what you need to know when you’re getting started with ETFs.

magnifying glass

Understanding ETFs: the 4 risks you need to be aware of

The world of ETFs is no longer just about following broad market indices. Here’s a more in-depth look at the four key factors you should consider when investing in ETFs.


Should I invest my money or put it in a mortgage offset?

Charting a course through the world of financial management often throws up a heap of complex questions. In this article we look at whether you should invest your savings or put it into a mortgage offset.

Investing, Life

Is it too late to start investing?

When it comes to investing, age isn’t the main game. What truly matters is the length of time you’re planning to keep your money invested.


How to invest $1 million

Do you need complex investment strategies to invest $1 million? We share three tips.


What is the best way to buy gold?

We discuss three different ways to invest in gold, along with the pros and cons of each method.


Stockspot’s Review of the Barefoot Investor

We compare the investment strategies of the Barefoot Investor and Stockspot, discussing the key similarities and differences.


What are franking credits?

In this article, we take a look at what franking credits are, how they work for tax purposes.

Investing, SMSF

How can I build a SMSF portfolio using ETFs?

There’s been an increased interest in ETFs among SMSFs lately. We’ve put together a breakdown of three distinct types of SMSF investors who are embracing the potential of ETFs.


The Paradox of Skill: Why active funds disappoint every year

Despite their ambition most active fund managers still fail to outperform basic indexes.

Investing, SMSF

3 tips for your SMSF

Understanding an SMSF can seem a bit intimidating at first. Here’s our three-point guide to making your SMSF work effectively for you.


An exciting update: Stockspot receives strategic investment from Mirae Asset

Mirae Asset’s investment will allow Stockspot to further enhance our technology and continue developing innovative products and services for our clients.


Why and how you should invest for your kids

Investing for your children comes with a multitude of benefits. It offers the potential for more earnings compared to savings and gives them essential money management skills.

Investing, Life

How to explain investing to your kids

In this article we share advice on how to best teach your kids the basics of investing, with real-life examples.

Investing, Life

Teaching kids about compound growth

In this guide, we’ll unravel the intriguing world of compound growth and how you can share this essential monetary concept with your youngsters.


What makes a successful investor?

The mindset of a successful stock investor is more than just wealth. Learn how to cultivate these habits and leverage investment platforms to achieve your financial goals.

Investing, Life

Tips for investing in your 30s and 40s

Investing in your 30s and 40s can set you up for financial success. Learn three practical strategies to help you avoid common mistakes and build a secure financial future.


How to protect your portfolio against inflation

Protect your investments from inflation and stagflation with a diversified portfolio. Learn how to invest in assets that have historically performed well during these economic periods.


Why is my diversified portfolio underperforming the market?

A diversified portfolio is built around the idea of providing steady returns regardless of market volatility. This article explains how diversified portfolios work.


Stockspot Performance Update: June 2023

All of the Stockspot portfolios and their underlying assets delivered positive returns during the 2023 financial year.


How Millennials, Gen X and Baby Boomers invest differently

We compare the goals and aspirations of different generations of Stockspot clients.


Use your tax refund to make next year better

It hasn’t been an easy year. But if you get a tax refund, here are some ways to make the future a little brighter.

Investing, Life

How to invest when you are retired

Retirees face unique challenges when it comes to investing. The right approach can make all the difference in ensuring a comfortable and secure retirement.


Boring ETFs have a breakout year

Boring ETFs are suddenly the most popular investing item. What’s lead to this surge in popularity and how can you take advantage of their growth?


How fees kill your savings

Paying a few per cent per year may not sound like much, but it could easily end up making you poorer by $100,000.


What are the best Global Share ETFs?

We road test 12 popular Global share ETFs, comparing them across 5 factors.


Product update: Stockspot cash account

We’re moving cash account providers. We’ve prepared some FAQs to help answer any questions you may have about this change.