Meet Ray Corcoran
G’day there, my name’s Ray Corcoran and I run a marketing agency called Groe. We do Facebook ads, Google ads, SEO (search engine optimisation), and consulting to service-based businesses.
I worked in the corporate world for several years, but eventually I realised if I wanted to dramatically increase my income, I would need to take a chance starting my own thing.
I’ve also always been interested in why some people end up rich and others don’t. I love talking about money topics, and I figured I would start recording some of my thoughts and sharing what I’ve learned and mistakes I’ve made on my YouTube channel. I also felt I had a different opinion to many existing finance channels. They all focus on frugality, shrinking your desires, being shamed for wanting fancy things. As for me, I’d rather figure out how to pay for a nice lifestyle rather than just cut coffees and live miserably.
Why I chose Stockspot
My main goal investing with Stockspot was to have somewhere I can quickly and easily send money to, and trust that it’s going into quality ETFs (exchange traded funds) without me having to micromanage everything. I see Stockspot like a supercharged savings account. Simply, I keep putting money in there and leaving it. I want it to complement my property investments as well and provide me with some diversification.
“Its simplicity is literally why I keep referring family and friends to Stockspot.
How I turned $5,000 into $430,000
Since I started investing with Stockspot in 2017 my experience has been great and I love the hands-off nature of Stockspot. I started with $5,000 in 2017 and now have more than $430,000 with around $65,000 of that from returns.
After five years of being with Stockspot I’ve averaged 10-10.5% annually so I’m happy with that, especially considering I do literally nothing.
I literally send Stockspot the money and then I can get back to focussing on my business.
How Stockspot is a lot like Google
Random story – but when Google and Yahoo were first coming up, Yahoo’s homepage was very complicated, with heaps of links everywhere. With Google, it was just a simple search bar with no distractions.
I feel like this is what Stockspot is compared to platforms where you have to pick the ETFs and portfolios yourself. Its simplicity makes it much easier for me to refer people to Stockspot.
Why I’m referring family and friends to Stockspot
Its simplicity is literally why I keep referring family and friends to Stockspot. My friends and family don’t want to be picking the portfolio. They just want to be getting a 7-10% return with the least effort possible; so Stockspot is an awesome option for this. If I sent them to a typical broker, they’d then need to figure out what ETFs to buy. They also need to know what portfolio split they need to have. And when to rebalance their portfolio (plus, what is rebalancing?)
My advice to people considering investing
For people considering investing, my advice is start with any amount. Don’t worry too much about hitting a home run straight away. Start with more conservative approaches like ETFs and index funds and build your confidence from there.